Four Loves, The


Four Loves, The


This is one of the books read for Hewitt’s Lightning Literature and Composition: British Christian Authors.

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“‘God is love,’ says St. John. When I first tried to write this book, I thought that his maxim would provide me with a very plain highroad through the whole subject. I thought I should be able to say that human loves deserved to be called loves at all just in so far as they resembled that Love which is God. . . . We may give our human loves the unconditional allegiance which we owe only to God. Then they become gods: then they become demons. Then they will destroy us, and also destroy themselves. For natural loves that are allowed to become gods do not remain loves. They are still called so, but can become in fact complicated forms of hatred.” Thus, Lewis introduces his masterwork on the nature of Love—both God’s and man’s.

This is one of the books read for Hewitt’s Lightning Literature and Composition: British Christian Authors. Lucy S.R. Austen, author of the Lightning Lit Guide writes:

The Four Loves, was written in 1959, toward the end of Lewis’s life. The content of the book, which covers affection, friendship, eros, and charity, originally appeared as a series of ten radio talks by Lewis, created at the behest of the Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation in Georgia, and aired in America. There is a tape-recording available of Lewis reading the book aloud, and if you can get a copy, it’s fun to hear it read in Lewis’s rich voice.

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