Lightning Lit: Grade 6

Grade 6 continues the Lightning Literature method of teaching intelligent reading, composition, and grammar using great children’s literature. Students will be introduced to new authors, exciting stories, and different cultures and experiences. The workbook will ask questions on the reading, teach grammar and mechanics, and introduce composition techniques. Each week, students will write something of their own to keep their composition muscles exercised and growing. Four poetry units are included in the workbook citing authors such as Melville, Longfellow, Tennyson, Poe, Frost, Dickenson, Kipling, Bronte, Yeats, and Whitman.

The Power of Literature Part 2: For the Middle Years

This post contains recommendations for longer chapter books for mid elementary to early high school.

Literature allows us to see further than our own household, our own neighborhood. It allows us to experience the lives, thoughts, and emotions of people in circumstances very different from ours.

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The Power of Literature Part 1: For the Very Young

This post contains book recommendations for preschool through early elementary.

I have always believed in the power of literature to help us to understand, to empathize, to open our hearts and minds.  Literature allows us to see further than our own household, our own neighborhood. 

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Lightning Literature Grade 6 Scope and Sequence:

Teacher Intro

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Teacher's Sample Chapters 1-2

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Student Workbook Sample

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