A printed copy of the Learning Objectives.
These objectives are included in our Home Education Guide. This handy volume will be a great support as you plan your curriculum. The pages are designed to help you track introduction, pupils’ understanding, and then mastery of each concept. There is space to record progress for three students on each page, so that a quick glance can show you the students’ progress and what each still needs to accomplish. All lists have been compared with recognized standards to ensure that students will not be surprised on standardized achievement tests by unfamiliar items.
Listed are objectives for Kindergarten through Grade 8 in language arts, math, history and geography, and science and health. Language arts is divided into oral language, reading, literature, library and study, thinking, composition and creative writing, capitalization and punctuation, grammar and usage, spelling, and penmanship. Math skills are divided into strategy for solving story problems; number systems, operations, and arithmetic; measurement, time, and money; geometric concepts; statistics, graphing, and probability. Fractions and algebra are added in upper levels. Map studies are a part of history and geography.
This edition also includes art, music, and character development. Art is loosely graded; music is given on pre-music, beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels; character development is in three stages and covers honesty, self-discipline, attitudes, conduct, and manners.