Helps children master decimals, fractions, and division; even cube roots and square roots will pose no problem. Includes the audio downloads, game boards, and cards for PercentIt and DividIt, all of which will fit in the Math-It carrying case.
Readiness for Advanced Math-It implies the ability to play the Math-It games quickly and without hesitation. Math-It is a program designed by Elmer Brooks to teach basic facts of addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Full of “tricks” to help students become whizzes in the basics. Children who can count back from 20 as they can tie their shoes with their eyes closed are ready for Math-It, which comes with five downloads: three which guide the student through the game, a pdf copy of How Stevie Learned His Math, and a pdf of Math-It Guidebook; game board; cards for Timzit, Dubblit, and Addit.