Lightning Lit: British Lit

British Lit Early-Mid 19th Century

This course covers the height of the Romantic Era and features poems by William Blake, William Wordsworth, and Lord Byron among others as well as novels by Jane Austen, Sir Walter Scott, and more.  Students will work on writing skills like tone, description, persuasive writing, etc.  This course is written from a secular perspective, though we do acknowledge the religious point of view and imagery of some of the Romantic poets.

The Power of Literature Part 3: For Young Adults

This post contains book recommendations for junior high to young adult age groups.

These books focus on groups of people who are often discriminated against in our society.  Not all these books are specifically about prejudice or oppression. Some are pleasant stories whose characters happen to be from one of these groups. Others give peeks into various cultures in other ways (such as folk tales). Some touch on history that we must never forget.

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Teacher's Guide Sample

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Student's Guide Sample

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British Lit Mid-Late 19th Century

This course features the Realism of such authors as George Eliot and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as well as the Neo-Romanticism of Rudyard Kipling.  The writing skills covered here include plot, conflict, and theme among others.  Students are not required to have taken the Early- to Mid19th Century British Lit course before this one.  This course is written from a secular point of view.  However, one of the themes of George Eliot’s Silas Marner is the relationship between religiosity and morality and this issue is touched on in passing.

The Power of Literature Part 3: For Young Adults

This post contains book recommendations for junior high to young adult age groups.

These books focus on groups of people who are often discriminated against in our society.  Not all these books are specifically about prejudice or oppression. Some are pleasant stories whose characters happen to be from one of these groups. Others give peeks into various cultures in other ways (such as folk tales). Some touch on history that we must never forget.

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More resources coming soon

Teacher's Guide Sample

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Student's Guide Sample

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